4-Colour Self-Striping
Black, White, Read All Over |
Block You Like a Hurricane |
Blush Revisited |
Champagne at Midnight |
Cross-Checked Bison |
Feather Anthem |
Festival of Lights |
Finnegan's Fruitcake |
First Fruits |
Fresh Like Butter Mint |
Full Moon Break |
Halloween Scream |
In Sheena's Dreams |
Little Saint Lipstick |
Octopus Blossom |
Odd Fish Codfish |
Oh My Gourd! |
Only Wishful Thinking |
Peaches for Tree |
Petty Peacock |
Rock the Float |
Rootbeer Groove |
Sleigh My Name |
Snug as a Bug |
Sweet as Pi |
Whiter Shade of Kale |
6-Colour Self-Striping
Advent Dissent |
All the Jingle Ladies |
Atomic Sunset |
Beansleeves |
Burgundy Sunday |
Cake It Easy |
Californian Graffiti |
Can't Dye Me Love |
Chromatic Hope |
Clouds of Glitter |
Corny Collins Record Hop |
Cranberry Beret |
Crystal Mirror |
Dagmar Goes to Shetland |
Dagmar Stayed Home |
Dagmar Went to Malaga |
Dancing Scene |
Deep Bark Woods |
Delicate Clouds |
Dirty Mind |
Don't Go Bacon My Heart |
Emotional Lilac |
Fake Plastic Trees |
Forget Me Not Jam |
Ghoulish Mortals |
Gingerbread Rock |
Good Foundations |
Gothic vs Romantic |
Gourd Vibes Only |
Grass Menagerie |
Green on Me |
Harmony Rainbow |
Holographic Moonrise |
Hot in the Stitchy |
How Peep Is Your Love |
I Kissed a Seal |
I'm in a Grape Mood |
Iris from Outer Space |
Kaleidoscope Highs |
Kraken Me Up |
Little Tink Houses |
Meet Me at St Moritz |
Moody in the Heart |
Moonrise Over Callisto |
Morphean Amulet |
Mrs Hudson Took My Skull |
My Chart Will Go On |
Mystery Machine |
OnlyFerns |
Paradise Alpha |
Prawn Swanson |
Pretty Fly for a Cacti |
Purple Grain |
Put It in Neutral |
Rainy Clay |
Red Green Jolly |
Renegade Masquerade |
Roller Skates & Leg Warmers |
Rose Your Own Way |
Sally's Nightmare |
Sapphire, So Good |
Saskatoon Delight |
Shade into You |
Smells Like Green Spirit |
Speaking of Witch |
Spice, Spice, Baby |
Stand by Your Jam |
Sugar Plum Merry |
Tainted Glove |
Talkin' About My Vegetation |
This Is My Art & It Is Dangerous |
Tropic Like It's Hot |
Unicorn Grift |
You Autumn Know |
Zero Fox Given |
Zest Friends Forever